

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


Last week was another challenging time for 菠菜网lol正规平台, as very hot temperatures made it difficult for some of us to work and live here in San José. 很明显, that the faculty, staff, and students of 菠菜网lol正规平台 are very adaptable. 我们设法移动 dozens of classrooms from very warm to cooler rooms last week. 一些教职员工 moved courses and activities online to minimize the impact of the heat. 

I want to thank every一个 across the campus for being so incredibly responsive to this 最近也是最直接的挑战. 在教务处,萨米Monsur和Mei Chin in the 教务长办公室 worked with Chris Shay and the team in FD&与阿 our College DROs, deans, chairs, and staff to communicate classroom changes and deploy 球迷. Student Affairs responded as well, opening up temporary classrooms in the Student 联合健康中心. 感谢戴副总裁和他的团队! 迪恩·麦斯和马丁·路德·金图书馆 团队也这么做了. It was an amazing effort that began on Labor Day and carried through 一个星期.

我从这次经历中学到了两方面的东西. 首先,我们需要一个现成的计划, as we will have to continue to respond to heat events. 第二,我必须多倾听 贴近我的内心. Although on the Friday before it looked like the heat would abate by Monday, I should have pulled folks together to plan anyway. 我不会犯那样的错误 再一次。! In fact, I will convene a group to discuss a campus strategy in the next few 几周,因为知识是新鲜的.

As the climate continues to change, we are going to have to manage and mitigate 再一次。st 像上周这样的高温事件. 我们有一套老旧的设备和近 $900M in deferred maintenance for which we received less than $7M this year. 的差距 是真实的. 

这是一个不可思议的机构. 我们需要广泛地讲述我们的故事,这样我们才能 raise dollars to address our physical plant while also contributing to CSU efforts 筹集资金来满足我们校园的需求. 这一切都不会在一夜之间发生. So, in the meantime, we have to plan, adjust, and do what we can to deliver the amazing 每个人都期望我们接受的教育. 有时候工作很累,但这就是工作 值得一试.

一如既往地感谢您对菠菜网lol正规平台的承诺. 我很荣幸能参与其中 这个社区.
