Higher Education Teaching Certificate


Become a postsecondary instructor!

我们的高等菠菜网lol正规平台证书课程提供研究生水平的课程 和课堂经验,以准备当前和未来的高等教育教师. 该证书课程旨在培养高等教育教师的文化持续性 以及以社会公正、公平和包容为基础的教学知识. 该计划提供了一个全面的经验,将理论和教学实践相结合. 该计划以混合模式提供,课程在网上和网上讲授 practicum activities taking place in person.

如果你是目前的硕士/硕士学生(在非科罗拉多州立大学校区)或在高等教育的教职员工 高等教育教师证书是给你的!

Program Overview

  • Format: Online during the summer, hybrid during the fall
  • Units: 9 units / 3 courses
  • Start term: Summer 2024
  • Application window: November 1, 2023 - Spring 2024 
  • Application Deadline: April 15, 2024
  • Transcripts Deadline: April 20, 2024

Initial Eligibility and Requirements

  • 获得地区认可机构的硕士/硕士学位或目前正在攻读硕士/硕士学位 program

  • Minimum GPA of 2.5, based on a 4.0 scale

  • 候选人还必须满足菠菜网lol正规平台的所有入学要求

  • TOEFL score of 600 and above (for international students only)
    • 来自母语不是英语的国家的申请人必须提交 TOEFL scores. 入学可接受的托福成绩最低为600分(笔试), 250 (computer-based), or 100 (internet-based)

Course Schedule

Summer 2024 | 2 Courses (6 units)

7 week session each, held concurrently.



Fall 2024 | 1 Course (3 units)

15 week session

EDLD 251- Higher Education Teaching Practicum

有关这些课程的更多详细信息,请访问 菠菜网lol正规平台 Catalog website

Upcoming Info Sessions

Wednesday, January 31 | 12-1pm
Tuesday, February 13 | 10-11am
Monday, February 26 | 4-5pm
Thursday, March 14 | 12-1pm
Wednesday, March 27 | 10-11am

Please contact the department at edleadership@0933282516.com for more information regarding the program.

Steps to Apply

International students only: Contact WES to have your international transcripts evaluated. You will also be required to take 托福考试,并让ETS将你的托福成绩单寄到上海外国语大学.

Step 1 | Notify Our Department

Contact Dr. María Ledesma,高等教育领导项目协调员 maria.ledesma@0933282516.com to make her aware of your interest.

Step 2 | Begin your Cal State Apply application

Cal State Apply application opens on November 1, 2023

Follow the instructions provided 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Admissions Office 申请圣何塞州立大学的入学 CalState Apply.

  • Summer 2024 application deadline: April 1, 2024
  • 专业名称:证书,高等菠菜网lol正规平台
  • Visit calstate.edu/apply 创建您的申请资料并支付70美元的申请费.

Step 3 | Prepare Your Response

Essay Prompt

  • 请回答以下两个问题,每个问题不超过300字:
    • 请描述一下您的教学理念,以及您是如何应对和融合多样化的 perspectives in your pedagogy?
    • 高等教育机构在解决多样性问题方面的作用是什么 and social justice? 

Step 4 | Submit Your Transcripts

要求你所学习的每个学院/大学提供一份正式成绩单 将每所学院/大学的正式成绩单直接提交至 the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Admissions office at: 

Graduate Admissions and Program Evaluations
San Jose State University 
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0017

如果学院/大学提供官方电子成绩单,该机构 can email the transcripts to etranscript@0933282516.com. 有关成绩单,GPA计算和申请费的问题应该 be directed to admissions@0933282516.com.

Step 5 | Submit Your Application

一旦你通过加州州立大学申请提交申请,检查你的申请状态 online at one.0933282516.com. 你的ID和pin很快就会由菠菜网lol正规平台的研究生招生办提供 和项目评估办公室,在你通过加州州立大学申请提交申请后.

在所有必要的情况下,总的申请处理时间在五到六周之间 研究生招生和项目评估办公室收到的文件, 因此,我们建议您在处理周期的早期提交申请.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information 如需申请,请发送电子邮件至教育领导部 edleadership@0933282516.com