Example Course of Study for MSCS Program

Below is an example sequence of classes 一个 could take at 菠菜网lol正规平台 to obtain a Master's in Computer 科学 that is consistent with the department's course offering pattern. It is by no means the only such sequence as student's have choices for the core requirements, specialty courses, and electives. For example, a student might consider courses such as CS143C, rather than CS175, or CS136 instead of CS157C below.


  • CS 200W Graduate Technical Writing
  • CS 247 Advanced Computer Architecture
  • CS 255 Design and Analysis of Algorithms


  • CS 157C NoSQL Database Systems
  • CS 249 Distributed Computing
  • CS 256 Topics in Artificial Intelligence


  • CS 175 Mobile Device Development
  • CS 265 Cryptography and Computer Security
  • CS 297 Preparation for Writing Project


  • CS 274 Topics in Web Intelligence
  • CS 298 Master's Writing Project