National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)


Communicative Disorders and 科学s (CDS) undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to become student members of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (亚莎) via the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA). 会员 in the 国家NSSLHA group enables students to have access to professional, educational, and clinical resources and participate in 亚莎 and NSSLHA sponsored events.

CDS students are also encouraged to join the 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSSLHA chapter, which represents students’ interests, sponsors local speaker seminars, and participates in community service projects and fundraising activities Please support Day of Giving- CSHA Funding. For more information about upcoming events and opportunities, visit the 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSSLHA website, Instagram, or email us at


  • Raise public awareness
  • 宣传
  • Prepare students for a career
  • Networking opportunities 

Mission Statement

Our mission is to raise public awareness about communication disorders and advocate for individuals with communication needs. We also work to prepare our members for successful careers through professional skill building and  networking opportunities. We work with students  in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and other related fields.


菠菜网lol正规平台 Chapter of NSSLHA

It's easy to join 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSSLHA! Any graduate or undergraduate 菠菜网lol正规平台 student interested in our field can join. You do not have to be in the major. As members, you will have an opportunity to network with other students with similar interests, meet professionals working in the field, and participate in all of our activities. Our members regularly volunteer for community service, promote advocacy of the field and attend conferences at discounted rates.

The cost to join the 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSSLHA chapter each academic year is $25.  会议是 held monthly and are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. To become a member, 请电子邮件 or contact us on social media.


Joining the national NSSLHA will provide access to nation-wide resources, including 亚莎 journals and discounted 亚莎 conversion rates. Reduced fees for the annual convention are also a benefit. 全国 NSSLHA membership fee is approximately $60 per year.

2023-2024 NSSLHA Officers

  • 总统: 佩奇麦克法兰
  • 副总裁: 娜塔莉·科尔特斯
  • 秘书: Yakelin Rocha Luna
  • 财务主管: 拉娜侠盗双雄
  • 历史学家: Kalana帕克
  • 高级联络: 奶油水果蛋白饼Chhina
  • Graduate Liaison: 安妮陈
  • Event Coordinator: 艾米丽Manlulu
  • Fundraising Coordinator: Samantha Gonzalez
  • Communication Coordinator: Caryn Iwakiri
  • 指导老师: Dr. Pei-Tzu蔡

International AAC Month